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Set up Rooms

Arranging Room experience

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Written by SupportTeam
Updated over a week ago

The first step is to create the menu item in settings. To do that, click on "Setup" in the left-side menu, and navigate to "Event App". After that, scroll to the bottom, click on the plus sign, and select "Rooms/Spaces" from the list.

After changes are saved, you will see a new menu item in the "Content" section on the left.

How to create a new room?

Click on the "Add Room" button in the upper right corner to create a room.

While setting it up, you can upload a cover (recommended size: 1280 x 682), name the room, add a description, customize it, and set time slots.

Streaming sources

There are 3 available streaming sources for rooms

  • PINE backstage/RTMP
    Stream directly through PINE using our backstage or via RTMP. But please note that this option is paid and has a limited amount of streaming hours.

  • External link

    Choose this source if you want to add a link that will lead your attendees to the external service.

  • Offline

    Use this if there are no online streams or to add offline room information.

Set up Room access

You can add hosts or moderators from the attendee list who can start the stream and manage the list of viewers. Next, set the room's visibility to everyone, by request, specific groups, or individuals.

For "by request" visibility, moderators can manage all access requests from the room Backstage, approving or rejecting them as needed.

Organizers can also moderate these requests by clicking on the request number or selecting the "Manage viewers" option.

Stream participation

You can allow attendees to join the stream by selecting "everyone" for open access or "moderated" to have requests approved by moderators. A maximum of 9 participants can go live at a time.


If you would like to have the recording of the stream, please turn this option on in the settings of the needed room.

Still have questions? Please contact us at [email protected] or in the chat on the website.

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