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Moderator's Guide
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Written by SupportTeam
Updated over a year ago

How to add a moderator?

You can add moderators to particular events. Go to the organizer account and open the event to which you are going to add a moderator. After that, you need to open the Setup section Team → click on the button "Add Moderator"

Moderators are added from the attendees list.

Please note that moderators have access only for attendees app moderation, there is no access to the organizer account.

How do moderators enter PINE?

Once the owner of the event added a moderator, he receives an invitation email with the topic “PINE event collaboration invite”.

He will be able to get access to the event by clicking on the button “Get Access”.

Session Management

Congratulations! You are a moderator now.

NOTE: Further instructions can be applied if you use our native streaming solution.

Now you can manage live sessions, moderate chats and Q&A section, play different media files, etc.

To get to the particular session you need to need to know the stage name and the sessions name.
Usually, you can find stages in the Virtual Stages section.

For example, you moderate the Innovation stage, and now you see the screen below.

In the upper right corner, you can see your role. If you were registered as a moderator, it will be shown as “Organizer”.

All symbols meaning:

  • Green Eye - the number of viewers at the present moment;

  • Chat - the place where all viewers can communicate and ask questions. There are public and backstage chat;

  • Sessions - the main control section of all lectures. From here you can open backstage or start session;

  • Media - the tab that shows you the list of uploaded media for all stages (organizers give moderators a schedule when they should play an uploaded video);

  • Q&A section that appears after the session started;

  • Megaphone sign gives you an opportunity to make announcements;

  • Three columns show you the analytics of this session;

  • An Arrow hides the right-side tab;

There are two main ways speakers can present their lectures:

  • Live Stream when the speaker goes live and presents his report in real-time.

  • Recordings - speakers can upload the video of their speech and the moderator just plays it.

Please note that speakers can also participate in the Q&A section even if their speech was recorded in advance.


Backstage is a video room where moderators check if speakers are ready to go live. In this step, it is important to check if the video and microphone work well. This room is active during the whole conference.

Moderators can get there by pressing on three dots near the name of the speaker. From this menu, you can also start the session and start the video if it was uploaded beforehand.

This is how the Backstage looks like.

At the upper right corner, you will see the status “Standby’. This means that your session is not live right now and nothing is streaming at the moment. When the session starts, this status will be changed to “Live”.

Info shows you the description of the conference and the main information.

From the Q&A section, you will be able to see and moderate all the questions that viewers can ask.

Please note that speakers and moderators can mark messages from the chat as questions. Just click on the question sign when you move the cursor over the message. Then this question will turn green and appear in the Q&A tab.

If you go to the chat tab you will see that there is a division between backstage and public chats.

Backstage chat is a private place where speakers and moderators can communicate and discuss something.

Public chat is available for all viewers during the conference.

When speakers enter the backstage, you need to check if uploaded presentations are available. You need to press on “Share options” and you will see the presentation that was uploaded by the speaker earlier in the Speaker Hub.

During the Live Stream

Up to 9 speakers can participate during the live stream simultaneously.

Speakers can go live only through the Speaker Hub. They receive an invitation to this hub via email. In the Speaker Hub speakers can upload PDF presentations or their recorded videos if they do not need to go live.

After that, a speaker can go to the backstage by pressing “Go Backstage”.

When you are sure that you have checked everything, you can press “Start Session” to launch the stream. When you press “Start Session” the timer will start counting down. There will be 3 seconds till the session starts.

You will enter the session with the speaker, so you can introduce him. When you give a word to a speaker you can leave the live stream by pressing on the button “Leave”. After that, you will be directed to the backstage room, from where you can moderate chats.

If there is no need to join the session with the speaker you can press the button “Leave” before you start the session.

Speakers cannot start sessions themselves, so only moderators have this possibility.

When the session is over you need to click on the “End Session” in the upper left corner. You can also do it by pressing on three dots in front of the speaker’s name.

Please note that the button “End Session” is also available for the speaker, so he can end the stream too.

FYI: there can be a stream delay of 20-30 seconds.

How to launch prerecorded videos?

The prerecorded video file is uploaded by the organizer or a speaker in advance.

When you need to start streaming of uploaded video, you just click on three dots in front of the speaker’s name and choose the option “Start Video”.

Announcement Room

When you need to make an urgent announcement to the audience you can click on the sign of megaphone, and you will be directed to the announcement room.

From this place, you can stop the stream and go live with your announcement.

Please let us know if something left unclear. Just drop us a message in the online chat or at [email protected].

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