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Public polls
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Written by SupportTeam
Updated over 8 months ago

PINE offers various ways of interaction between attendees and speakers like public polls that can be created during online sessions, workshops, etc.

How to create or delete public polls?

Public polls can be created by organizers or moderators. To add a public poll navigate to the appropriate section stage, session backstage, room, or virtual booth. Then switch to the Polls tab in the Chat sidebar and add a poll.

Please create your poll by writing the question and multiple-choice answers below. Click on the plus sign in front of each option to add it, ensuring you have one empty field in the final result.

Select "Make results private" if you prefer not to share them with others. Once you've added the information, please remember to save it.

After creating the poll, it's initially "unpublished". To make it visible to attendees, click the three dots and select "Publish".

NOTE: Users may pick only one answer.

Where to get poll reports?

You can find the reports for all polls in the Analytics tab in the organizer account. There you need to open the Reports tab and download polls' reports in CSV or XLSX format.

In the report, you will find the stage name, questions, and the number of answers to offered options.

Still have questions? Please contact us at [email protected] or in the chat on the website.

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