While testing features for the event on PINE, it is important to check how it looks in the event preview.
Event Preview is an attendee mode that allows organizers to feel the experience of their event before publication and to understand how their event will look like for attendees.
To preview your event, simply click on an eye icon in the lower-left corner to enter the attendee app.
Please note that when you go to preview your event, you will be automatically added to the attendees list with an active profile, but in Incognito Mode.
If you want to be visible to others you should go back to the organizer account and remove the incognito toggle from your profile in the attendees section, or you can do it in the event settings in the attendee app (click on your avatar on the right corner).
Click here to find out more information about Incognito mode.
If you have any additional questions, you are welcome to contact us at [email protected] or via online chat on the website.