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Find out how to set up lobby for your event

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Written by SupportTeam
Updated over a year ago

The Lobby is an essential page that welcomes attendees to your event and allows you to provide them with all the necessary information.

To access the Lobby settings, please navigate to the Content section -> Event App located in the left-side menu. Locate the "Lobby" and click on it to begin the setup process.

Lobby page can be customized according to your event's format. You can change the name of the section, pick another icon, or select a background color or image.

Next, scroll down and choose the content you want to highlight such as a welcome message, a customized help desk, stage preview, recent chats, attendee cards, speakers, companies, and booths/rooms.
​NOTE: At the moment, My Meetings and Schedule sections are not available since they are undergoing development.

Stage Preview shows the first stage in your list, and previews the video of all the content played on that stage. It can be your live stream or just a media file.

While setting up a Welcome Message section, you can add the heading to it, the main text, text color, and background color. Moreover, you can use an emoji icon and embed a hero image or a hero video URL.
Hero image or video is a web banner or a video that best describes your product or company. Please note that the video will be played with no sound.

While customizing the Help Desk, it is possible to add a link to your support booth or help chat in case you have one, so your attendees can click on the Help Desk banner to be redirected to the the link you add.

You can also display up to 5 recent chats, attendee cards, up to 5 speakers, companies, or attendees in a random or specific order.

Booths and rooms can be also displayed - up to 3 booths or rooms, and they can be randomized or specific.

You can also show general info about your event progress with the "About the event" section.
To change the order of each menu item, just drag and drop the needed section to its place.

Once you have customized your Lobby, please click on the "Save" button on the page.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or via our online chat on the website.

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